University of Alberta
About Us
The Nursing Undergraduate Association (NUA) is a student-run organization that consists of nursing students who are elected by their peers to volunteer their time and effort to represent the Faculty of Nursing's undergraduate students and ensure that they have the best experience possible.
The NUA provides academic advocacy, coordinates social events, addresses issues and concerns that affect nursing students, and connects students to the campus community, as well as the national body of nursing students through the Canadian Nursing Students' Association (CNSA).
The NUA acts to fulfill the academic, social, and political needs of nursing students. We are the official voice and representation of nursing students on the University of Alberta campuses through the Students' Union, General Faculties Council, Faculty of Nursing, and the Council of Faculty Associations.
Role of the NUA:
Connect students with faculty members through informal and formal venues and communications;
Organize social and sporting events;
Represents students on various University committees;
Offers volunteer activities and opportunities including local and international levels of involvement;
Collects and addresses student concerns, and reports them via the Student Advisory Council;
Offers involvement in national level organizations, including the Canadian Nursing Students' Association;
Supports students with online resources;
Liaisons with partnered organizations including Second Chance CPR and grad photographers.
Our Mission:
To create social and academic opportunities through student involvement with the Faculty of Nursing and the University of Alberta. Our Vision:
To provide unity among all undergraduate students in the Faculty of Nursing;
To promote interest and participation on campus, in the Faculty of Nursing, and in professional activities;
To provide an official channel for student-faculty communication.
Regarding Academics:
Academic concerns and interests can be brought forward to your VP Academic, Brett Gleeson at gleeson1@ualberta.ca. Whether you would like to recognize a successful change to your program, are facing a student appeal, or just do not know where to find the form for that exam you missed, we will ensure that your inquiry is dealt with properly or provide you with the appropriate contact information.